Is your credit card your friend or foe? Neither and both. Like so many things, it depends. Ultimately a credit card is a tool that you get to choose how you use it.
Credit cards are your friend if
They help you build credit rating
You are able to pay it off every month so pay no interest
You benefit from the perks your card offers
You don't have to carry as much cash
You only buy things you can afford
You use it as a tool for tracking your expenses
It provides fraud protection for unauthorized purchases
Allows you to make purchases that require a security deposit such as a hotel or car rental
It is easier than carrying cash
You use it for online purchases
Credit cards are your foe if
You can't pay off your balance monthly
It allows you to purchase things you don't need and can't afford
You pay high interest rates
Fees and surcharges add up quickly
It damages your credit rating because you miss payments
Like with many tools, how you use your credit card will determine if it is a friend or foe. It's possible that it is a little of each. In that case, see what you can change to enhance the friendly aspects and decrease the foe-type features.
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They're also sneaky because doing due diligence and closing one you don't use can harm your credit rating. How does that work exactly? Could you touch on that at some point?