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Protect your credit by freezing it! - 3/31/2023


Identity theft and credit fraud are a reality. One of the best ways to protect yourself and your credit is by freezing your credit. Freezing your credit limits access to your credit information. You can do it yourself, for free, by contacting the 3 credit agencies or there are identity protection companies that offer credit freezes in addition to their other services.

Below is the freeze contact information for the 3 credit agencies.

Equifax: 800-349-9960 or

Experian: 888‑397‑3742 or

TransUnion: 888-909-8872 or

Have this information available to create an account.

-Social Security Number

-Date of birth


Doing a credit freeze does not affect your credit score. You will need to unfreeze your credit if you are applying for new credit, or other valid identity verification (insurance, rental agreement, etc.) that might require it. Depending on the situation you may be able to find out which credit agency they will be accessing the score from and only unfreezing that particular agency.

A credit freeze only limits some types of fraud, so you still need to be aware before sharing personal information.

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